
Introduction of Unity Asset or technical stuff will be written.


Unity Asset 紹介 LiveBar


今回紹介するのは LiveBar です。 スクリプトをコンポーネントに追加するだけで、 敵やPlayerの頭上にHPやMPを表示をすることができます。 スクリプトもそのまま載ってるので参考にするといいでしょう。 LiveBar for Unity 3D

Unity Asset 紹介:NGUI


In this time I would like to introduce NGUI of Unity Asset who you know. As an introduction of the producer, Once it is a creator who has become an employee of the Unity head office. It is said to be the prototype of uGUI now. Also, there …

Inventory Pro v2.5 version up!


It is also hot today…. I am tired from commuting! Latest information! Inventory pro is now version 2.5. Along with that, existing buyers can purchase at upgrade fee. It seems to be in the middle of Price sale, so the upgrade charge seems t…